In addition to the List Name and Description, in the List settings you can easily customize...
Client Information
Include the Client Name below the List Name and upload a client logo to really customize and polish the List display.
Add a target demographic to include an in-demo percentage for each account on the List. This will be the percentage of their audience that falls into the specified gender / age range.
List Organization
Categories allow you to arrange the social accounts on your lists into defined groups for organization purposes.
Under Display Options...
Select which of Influential's Scores you'd like to display for each account on the List.
Account Insights
Include or hide any of the Account Insights sections across the List.
Account Audience
Include or hide any of the Audience sections across the List.
Account Content
Enable or disable the display of Top Posts for the account.
In the Relevant Posts section, define relevant keywords or image tags to highlight content that matches those criteria on the List.
You can further curate the content displayed on the List for each account in the List Account Details.
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